Juleah . Juleah .

the paint peel backstory


“The dried paint discards that are scraped off of glass pallets after use. Paint at this phase can’t be utilized for traditional use anymore.“

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Juleah . Juleah .

the king of everything (preyed protectors)

With shells replacing a deer’s antlers, he is not just the king of the forest, but the king of everything.

visually connecting all prey life while protecting himself in all environments in his own peaceful way.

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Juleah . Juleah .

the sun still sets for us

“That’s what this painting is for me, it’s me giving myself permission to purge who I was. To reflect on who I’m becoming. I was defiant and wild and at the beginning of my journey, now I am determined and wiser, softer in some ways. Even though I’m different than I was, the sun still sets for the both of us.”

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Juleah . Juleah .

georgia roots

this painting is an ode to where I’m from and what home is to me.

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